HIFU stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. In Korea, HIFU is a popular procedure during lunch hour because it is fast, painless and effective for lifting the face. Thus it is called “lunchtime facelift” in Korea. Korean start doing HIFU in their late 20th because HIFU produce a natural lift and prevent skin sagging in long run.
How HIFU works?
HIFU focus ultrasonic waves into 3 different layer of skin:
- The deep layer of skin
- Fat layer
- SMAS layer (A layer where fat and muscle attached to)
HIFU gently heat up these areas without damaging the skin surface. When our tissue exposed to ultrasonic wave, it is stimulated to heal and produce more collagen. Thus, the lifting effect is natural, effective and continuous for a few months.
How long to see results?
The results of HIFU lifting are instant after treatment. Collagen remodeling will continuous up to 3 months, producing a gradually lift and improvement of fine lines, wrinkles and skin quality.
Is there any side effect?
Generally HIFU is a very safe procedure because it does not damage the skin surface. It is relatively painless as well from the feedback from customer and general public.
Media, celebrities and Instafamous experience HIFU shot on the hand during our clinic event.
Why choose HIFU?
HIFU is the safest yet effective face lift treatment available. It is fast, painless and produce a natural results.
HIFU or Thread Lift?
Both is good for lifting but our professional doctors will assess and suggest the most suitable treatment. HIFU can be done together with thread lift to achieve great results depend on skin condition.
Why Ozhean Clinic?
Only Certified Doctor will performed all the procedure in our clinic to ensure our customer get the best consultation, best treatment plan and more important the safest and result proven treatment.
In Ozhean Clinic, we do customized treatment to produce even better results.
HIFU can be even customized for double chin slimming, body slimming, face slimming and arm slimming.
Self Love Campaign featuring FIT V-Line treatment. HIFU can produce a chisel V jawline.
Real Testimonial by Own Staff
After HIFU, more defined jaw, reduce double chin and lifted skin. Instant effect of HIFU experienced.