What is filler?
Injectable filler is a soft tissue filler injected into the skin at different depths to help fill in facial wrinkles, provide facial volume, and augment certain facial features. Most of these wrinkle fillers are temporary because they are eventually absorbed by the body.
For HA filler, the main ingredient is hyaluronic acid, which is also found in the human body.
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How do you assess volume loss and what is it?
Volume loss of the face is one of the earliest signs of aging, but it could be genetically predisposed too. Everyone is born with different face and bone structure, same goes with the distribution of fats and ligaments. Therefore, some us might have dimples and some do not.
Volume loss is basically, loss or shrinkage of the fat compartments in our face. As we age, the ligament holding or supporting those fat compartments will be loose. Therefore, some fats might actually “migrate” to other parts of the face or leak through the ligaments. This is also due to the bone reabsorption of the face when we aged. Therefore, some of us might have `sagging area due to the leaked fats and loose skin.
By injecting fillers, into those spaces, we can actually boost the compartment or simply put : to plump up the compartment by filling it up the empty spaces and by filling up the empty spaces it can stretch those weakening ligaments as well. And finally looking younger.

Safe Practice for Filler
Nowadays there are plenty of choices in selecting your fillers and its availability, therefore you must make sure that the fillers are safe:
1. Injection performed by a certified and trained doctor
2. Registered aesthetic clinic
3. Biocompatible
4. No side effects
5. Nonimmunogenic Noncarcinogenic, nonteratogenic
6. Provides reproducible/realistic cosmetically or defect for beneficial result
Fillers should be approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the injection is always prescribed and performed by a trained doctor. A few of the most popular fillers are such as Teosyal/Teoxane, Bellotero, Juvederm, Restylane and many more.
Where Can Fillers be injected?

There are many areas that filler can be injected, some of the popular areas are such as – forehead, temple, tear trough, nose, nasolabial line (a.k.a. laughing line), lips, chin, etc.
How do Fillers work?
Hyaluronic acid which is the main component of filler is a sugar molecule that exists naturally in almost all living organisms. The main function of it is to bind water so it acts as a lubricant and cushion in a flexible area of the body.
It is very important for the transport of nutrients and in regulating water balance in skin. By boosting your skin with fillers, it will revitalize and add volume to the area instantly. This diminishes the appearance of lines and wrinkles and gives a natural appearance to the face. The fillers will act as a gel in the specific area and boost that specific area.
To know more about some of our treatments available for lifting, click here.
What is hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a sugar which is naturally found in our skin that holds water and helps keep it hydrated and plump. This substance within our bodies holds a thousand times its weight in water to not only retain all that moisture in our skin and joints, but also prevent all that moisture from evaporating into the air, therefore it is also known as Hydrophilic substance.
Throughout aging, these substances will slowly degrade and disappear from our bodies. Some recent studies have even shown that injecting filler (HA) into pre-disposed areas will help to stimulate collagenesis and cell repair as well.
What are the benefits of injecting fillers?

Main benefits of fillers are:
1. Restoring volume loss due to aging
2. Face rejuvenation for fine lines and wrinkles
3. Hydration for the face
4. Some cosmetically/enhancement for the face
5. Increasing skin texture/radiance
Most importantly, it is best if you get a proper consultation from an experienced doctor and have your face assessed. There are many types of fillers, certain fillers have their own special properties designated for each area or parts of the face.
So, don’t be shy, and come for a free consultation if you want to know more!
Prepared by:
Dr Ho Foo Soon
To know more about our doctor, please visit here.
Why Ozhean Clinic?
We are first Korea Aesthetic Clinic in Malaysia that uses full adaptation of trademarked FIT program created by a team of experienced Korea’s aesthetic doctors.
In Ozhean Clinic, we provide customized “FIT treatment” according to each individual, to achieve the ideal result with advance instruments, specialized lasers machines, injectable, supplement and program.
With treatments conducted by our Malaysia certified professional doctors, they will do detail consultation, assessment, and propose a most suitable treatment program to achieve your desire result.